After drilling a geothermal well into a reservoir, one needs to characterize its properties (lithology, fractures, stress, permeability, porosity, fluid temperature, chemical composition, etc.), and assess the well properties (i.e. determining maximum production or injection flowrate). This knowledge is essential for efficient and fast decisions, for example to configure soft stimulation treatments, as well as for the design of surface facilities.
Reservoir characterization is based on various samples, analyses and measurements aiming at gathering information about the reservoirs properties and the fluid flow. Among others, geothermal reservoir characterization includes:
A geological characterization is achieved by a detailed mud logging and cutting analysis. Gamma-ray logs and spectral gamma-ray help to determine the exact depth of mud logging data and to characterize lithology, clay contents and alteration minerals.
After the production test, in order to precisely characterize the geothermal fluid, a downhole sample should be collected. Before collecting a minimum of two samples in the well’s open-hole section (feasible at once), the well should have been producing at least two times its volume. The recommended chemical analysis of the downhole sample are: GLR (Gas Liquid Ratio), a complete gas analysis, including at least CO2 and H2S, a complete fluid analysis, including physico-chemical properties (T°, pH, redox potential, Total Dissolved Salt content, electrical conductivity and total alkalinity), cations, anions and traces.
A hydraulic characterization of the reservoir is realized by combining well testing data (see below) and additional logging results. For example, a Production Logging Tool (PLT), which includes a flow log, identifies the flow zones within the reservoir section. Temperature logs, realized at the thermal equilibrium and shortly after the well drilling, also allow detecting flow zones. A neutron porosity log and a resistivity log can complete the hydraulic characterization by locating high porosity zones.
A density log allows defining the vertical stress in the framework of the reservoir mechanical characterization. A full-wave sonic log enables the calculation of the rock’s mechanical parameters, like the Young modulus. Leak-off tests and Formation Integrity tests can define the fracture pressure of the formation and the Shmin value (minimum horizontal stress).
A reservoir structural characterization should be carried out by acoustic or electrical imaging, which will image the reservoir structures (fractures, faults, layering, etc.) and thus enable an accurate estimation of the distribution of fractures orientations (dip direction, dip, thickness) in a given well.
Well testing essentially consists of pumping or injection tests in order to estimate the reservoir hydraulic parameters (“hydraulic characterization”) and to answer the question “which flowrate can be pumped/reinjected from/in this well on a long term basis?”
For a single geothermal well, well testing aims at defining the following parameters:
For a geothermal doublet, well testing aims at quantifying the pressure connection between the two wells and the physical connection between wells.
A geothermal well can be set in production in different ways:
In any case, it is important to maintain the wellhead pressure above the fluid vaporizing pressure in order to avoid flashing in the well, which may induce mineral scaling. A wellhead pressure above the geothermal CO2 bubble point is recommended but could be difficult to achieve.
Injections in a geothermal well can easily be realized using surface pumps.
Several tests can be realized in a single geothermal well or in a doublet:
The following measurements should be carried out during the test:
Well testing and reservoir characterization aim at gathering information to:
Therefore, an insufficient well testing and/or reservoir characterization can lead to inefficient stimulation strategies or even counterproductive decisions and well damage. Furthermore, surface facilities might be designed inadequately. This includes for example the dimensioning of capacities for pumps, surface filters, heat exchangers, or ORC units, as well as the use of inappropriate materials. A proper design of surface facilities is essential to ensure a maximum efficiency of power/heat production, long lifetime and low maintenance costs.
Horne, R. (1996) Modern Well Test Analysis: A Computer-Aided Approach, Second Edition, Petro Way, 250p., ISBN 978-0962699214
Baujard C., Genter A.,Dalmais E., Maurer V., Hehn R., Rosillette R., Vidal J., Schmittbuhl J., (2017). Hydrothermal characterization of wells GRT-1 and GRT-2 in Rittershoffen, France: Implications on the understanding of natural flow systems in the Rhine Graben Geothermics 65, 255-268.