Since 2016, the geothermal heat plant of Rittershoffen is producing 25 MWth of heat at high temperature with an availability higher than 90 %. In the framework of DESTRESS, many geoscientific data related to previous thermal chemical and hydraulic stimulations (TCH) conducted in the first geothermal well GRT-1 have been interpreted in depth and published in open access journals. The main results showed that the combined TCH stimulations improved the well injectivity by a factor 4, mainly due to the occurrence of a large fractured zone located in the granite reservoir. In parallel, non-standard risk monitoring close to the geothermal plant has been achieved for evaluating the structural vulnerability of buildings located near the site. Finally, detailed monitoring of induced seismicity related to various development phases of the injection well was analyzed. The development of the Rittershoffen geothermal reservoir was associated with unfelt seismicity even though more than 1’300 induced events were reported. Because of the growing geothermal activity in the part of the Upper Rhine Graben, regulations had to evolve to take into account induced seismicity and geodetic monitoring for regulating the exploitation of deep geothermal. Therefore, operators of geothermal plants were requested to ensure the required environmental monitoring.
Operator | |
Work Package No | 4 |
Location | Rittershoffen, France |
Construction Year | 2 wells finished and stimulated in 2014 |
Foreseen Stimulation Techniques |
THMC-Stimulation techniques performed 2013 |
Type of Use | Heat for (green) chemical industry |
Soil Condition | Fractured clastic rocks (SS) and fractured granite with high temperature geothermal resources |
Production Horizon | Fractured Triassic sandstone and Carboniferous fractured granite |
Upper Depth (m) | 2600 |
Thickness (m) | 680 |
T (°C) | >160 |
Salinity (g/l) | ~100 |
Contact | Dr Albert GENTER, Deputy General Manager Phone: +33 (0)3 88 20 72 88 |