
DESTRESS’ work is divided into seven work packages, of which five will deliver specific technologies for prototype demonstration. Two will provide demonstrators for innovative stimulation treatments, as follows:

  • Combined hydraulic-acidisation treatments in sandstones and other rocks (WP4):
    a combination of hydraulic-thermal-chemical stimulation procedures will be applied at several existing or newly developed EGS sites based on the treatments HCrad_ss, HCT_ss and HCT_gr.
  • Cyclic hydraulic and multi-stage stimulation in granites and tight sandstones (WP5):
    this work package will demonstrate the effectiveness of cyclic hydraulic treatments and of multi-stage stimulation concepts (THMcycl_base, THMms_base) in granites, granodiorites and tight sandstones.

Three further work packages will provide specific technologies and tools to support application of the innovative treatments. They relate to the business case (WP2), several kinds of risk assessment and controlling systems (WP3), and tools for ensuring performance and environmentally safe processes (WP6).

This technical work will be supported by work packages dedicated to management (WP1) and dissemination (WP7). All of the work packages are strongly bilateral and essentially interlinked.