We believe that disseminating progress and results is crucial to the success and impact of the DESTRESS project. Lessons learnt will be disseminated to the public. The business cases will be set out with cost and benefit estimates based on the proven changes in system performance. All the steps included in the DESTRESS approach are designed to be transferable to other sites, so that the concepts can become the basis for a standardised procedure in the development of EGS projects.
On about 40 pages you learn everything about the DESTRESS projects, its results and insights. The report includes a summary of each scientific work package as well as a timeline showing important DESTRESS events, milestones reached, site visits and much more. In addition, all best practice reports compiled during the last four years are summarised and presented within the report. Have a look here: DESTRESS Final Report 2020
D6.5 optimisation of the business case, based on optimized reservoir management and operation
Azzola, J., Schmittbuhl, J., Zigone, D., Lengliné, O., Masson, F., Magnenet, V., (2020), "Elastic strain effects on wave scattering: implications for coda wave interferometry" (CWI). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2019JB018974, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JB018974
Broccardo, M., Mignan, A., Grigoli, F., Karvounis, D., Rinaldi, A. P., Danciu, L., Hofmann, H., Milkereit, C., Dahm, T., Zimmermann, G., Hjörleifsdóttir, V. and Wiemer, S. (2020), "Induced seismicity risk analysis of the hydraulic stimulation of a geothermal well on Geldinganes, Iceland", Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20, 1573-1593, DOI: 10.5194/nhess-20-1573-2020
Farquharson, J.I., Kushnir, A.R.L., Wild, B. et al. (2020), "Physical property evolution of granite during experimental chemical stimulation". Geotherm Energy 8, 14, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40517-020-00168-7
Fokker, P., Singh, A., Wassing, B. (2020), "A semianalytic time‐resolved poro‐elasto‐plastic model for wellbore stability and stimulation", Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/nag.3048
Azzola, J., Valley, B., Schmittbuhl, J., and Genter, A. (2019), "Stress characterization and temporal evolution of borehole failure at the Rittershoffen geothermal project", Solid Earth, 10, 1155-1180, https://doi.org/10.5194/se-10-1155-2019.
Hofmann, H., Zimmermann, G., Farkas, M., Huenges, E., Zang, A., Leonhardt, M., Kwiatek, G., Martinez-Garzon, P., Bohnhoff, M., Min, K.-B., Fokker, P., Westaway, R., Bethmann, F., Meier, P., Yoon, K. S., Choi, J. W., Lee, T. J. and Kim, K. Y. (2019), “First field application of cyclic soft stimulation at the Pohang Enhanced Geothermal System site in Korea”, Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 217, No 2, 2019, p. 926–949, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggz058
Hofmann, H., Zimmermann, G., Zang, A., Min, K.-B. (2019), “Correction to Cyclic soft stimulation (CSS): a new fluid injection protocol and traffic light system to mitigate seismic risks of hydraulic stimulation treatments”, Geothermal Energy.
Lucas, Y., Ngo V. V., Clément, A., Fritz, B., Schäfer, G. (2019), "Modelling acid stiumlation in th eenhanced geothermal system of Soultz-sous-Forêts (Alsace, France)", Geothermics.
2019). Harmonic pulse testing for well monitoring: Application to a fractured geothermal reservoir. Water Resources Research, 55. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018WR024029
, , , , , , et al. (Azzola, J., Schmittbuhl, J., Zigone, D., Magnenet, V. and Masson, F. (2018), “Direct Modeling of the Mechanical Strain Influence on Coda Wave Interferometry”, Journal of Geophysical Research, April 2018.
Brehme, M., Regenspurg, S., Leary, P., Bulut, F., Milsch, H., Petrauskas, S., Valickas, R. and Blöcher, G. (2018), “Injection-Triggered Occlusion of Flow Pathways in Geothermal Operations”, Geofluids.
Grigoli, F., Cesca, S., Rinaldi, A. P., Manconi, A., López-Comino, J. A., Clinton, J. F., Westaway, R., Cauzzi, C., Dahm, T. and Wiemer, S. (2018), “The November 2017 Mw 5.5 Pohang earthquake: A possible case of induced seismicity in South Korea.” Science, pp. 1003-1006. doi: 10.1126/science.aat2010
Hofmann, H., Zimmermann, G., Zang, A. and Ki-Bok, M. (2018), “Cyclic soft stimulation (CSS): a new fluid injection protocol and traffic light system to mitigate seismic risks of hydraulic stimulation treatments“, Geothermal Energy (2018).
Konstantinos, G., Megalooikonomos, K., Parolai, S. and Pittore, M. (2018), “Toward performance-driven seismic risk monitoring for geothermal platforms: development of ad hoc fragility curves”, Geothermal Energy.
Massin, F. and Malcolm, A. (2018), “Probabilistic Focal Mechanism Estimation Based on Body‐Wave Waveforms through Source‐Scanning Algorithm“, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.
Pittore, M., Haas, M. and Megalooikonomou, K. (2018), “Risk-Oriented, Bottom-Up Modeling of Building Portfolios With Faceted Taxonomies”, Frontiers in Built Environment, Vol. 4, 2018.
Welter, S., Siefert, D., Mergner, H., Kölbel, T. and Münch, W. (2018), “Risk factors within techno-economic evaluation of soft-stimulation measure”, PROCEEDINGS, 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, February 12-14, 2018
Westaway, R. (2018), “Deep Geothermal Single Well heat production: critical appraisal under UK conditions”, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, No 51, pp. 424–449 (2018).
Westaway, R. (2018), “Evidence suggests fracking linked to South Korea’s 2017 earthquake”, The Conversation, 95883, 2018.
Baujard, C., Genter, A., Dalmais, E., Maurer, V., Hehn, R., Rosillette, R., Vidal, J. and Schmittbuhl, J. (2017), “Hydrothermal characterization of wells GRT-1 and GRT-2 in Rittershoffen, France: Implications on the understanding of natural flow systems in the rhine graben.”
Diaz, M., Kim, K. Y., Yeom, S., Zhuang, L., Park, S. and Min, K. B. (2017), “Surface roughness characterization of open and closed rock joints in deep cores using X-ray computed tomography”, Int J Rock Mech Min Sci, 98:10-19.
Grigoli, F., Boese, M, Scarabello, L., Diehl, T., Weber, B., Weimer, S. and Clinton, J.F (2017), “Picking vs Waveform based detection and location methods for induced seismicity monitoring”
Grigoli F., Cesca, S., Massin, F., Obermann, A., Strauch, W., Clinton, J. F. and Wiemer, S. (2017), “Automated seismic event location combining waveform stacking and relative location techniques”
Grigoli, F., Cesca, S., Priolo, E., Rinaldi, A.P., Clinton, J. F., Stabile, T. A., Dost, B., Garcia Fernandez, M., Wiemer, S. and Dahm, T. (2017), “Current challenges in monitoring, discrimination and management of induced seismicity related to underground industrial activities: a European perspective”
Király-Proag, E. Gischig, V., Zechar, JD and Wiemer, S. (2017), “Multi-component ensemble models to forecast induced seismicity”
Maurer, V., Cuenot, N., Richard, A. and Grunberg, M. (2017). “On-going seismic monitoring of the Rittershoffen and the Soultz EGS projects (Alsace, France)”
Meyer, G., Baujard, C., Hehn, R., Genter, A. and McClure, M. (2017). “Analysis and numerical modelling of pressure drops observed during hydraulic stimulation of GRT-1 geothermal well (Rittershoffen, France).”
Ngo, V.V., Lucas, Y., Clement, A. and Fritz, B. (2017). “Modeling the impact of temperature on the saturation state and behavior of minerals in the geothermal Soultz-sous-Forêts.”
Vidal, J., Genter, A. and Chopin, F. (2017), “Permeable fracture zones in the hard rocks of the geothermal reservoir at Rittershoffen, France”
Baujard, C., Genter, A., Dalmais, E., Maurer, V., Hehn, R. and Rosillette, R. (2016), “Temperature and hydraulic properties of the Rittershoffen EGS reservoir, France.”
Maurer, V., Grunberg, M., Cuenot, N. and Richard, A. (2016), “Towards calibrating an automatic detection system to monitor microseismic activity induced by geothermal projects in the Upper Rhine Graben”
Richard, A., Maurer, V. and Lehujeur M. (2016), “Induced vibrations during a geothermal project and acceptability, how to avoid divorce?”
Vidal, J., Chopin, F., Genter, A. and Dalmais E. (2016), “Natural fractures and permeability at the geothermal site Rittershoffen, France”
Vidal, J., Genter, A. and Schmittbuhl, J. (2016), “Pre- and post-stimulation characterization of geothermal well GRT-1, Rittershoffen, France: insights from acoustic image logs of hard fractured rock”
Sören Welter, Dorothee Siefert, Elif Kaymakci, Thomas Kölbe. Investigation of soft stimulation measures from a techno-economic point of view under consideration of risk factors. GeoTHERM 2019.
Sören Welter, Dorothee Siefert, Hanna Mergner, Thomas Kölbel, Wolfram Münch. Risk factors within technoeconomic evaluation of softstimulation measure. GeoTHERM 2018.
Sören Welter, Hanna Mergner, Thomas Kölbel. Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten bei der technisch-ökonomischen Bewertung von Geothermieprojekten - Eine probabilistische Methode zur Berücksichtigung von Risikofaktoren am Beispiel von „soft stimulation". GeoTHERM 2017. (German)